The Protestant Kingdom of Strandia is ruled by the aged Frederik IV.
 His right hand is the able general Mollberg.

 Strandia has a close relationship with Arboria. King Carloman of Arboria is married to the youngest daughter of Frederick IV.

The Strandian flag displays the 3 lillies of the 3 Cantons. Kurusaare (the main port), Guldborg - the capital, and Vejle.

The army is made up of 3 Cantonal Corps. Plus the 3 battalions and 3 squadrons of the Royal House.
The Strandian army has resemblance to Danish forces.

Strandia has a long-standing arrangement with Teutania that the port Kurusaare is freely used by them. Every day fish landed at Kurusaare is taken by express waggon along the Fish Road to Konitz. As are other goods and materials when landed at Kurusaare.

Teutania's political scene includes a faction dedicated to somehow achieving for them a port on the Cold Sea. Known as the 'Thalassians'.

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